
When you turn off the light do you feel scared? do you see all the monsters that you keep imagining come to reality, they keep haunting you.. sometimes its too scary that you just need to hold something tight and pray that those monsters never come to life. We all have monster in our life, some come to reality when when we turn off the lights, some come to reality when the light are turned on..We keep imagining that they will harm us because they are bigger than us, they give us nightmares and at times you are even afraid of your own shadow. Some monsters make us afraid of even chasing of our own dreams/goals in life. Some monsters makes our self esteem so low that you have to wait for approvals from other people, this my friend is so unfortunate, You are bigger and better than what you think, You need no approval from anyone and shouldn’t be afraid of nothing.

Monster are not real and will never be real and if you let them define your future then am lost for words, take charge of your life and stand courageous. Always remember that no monster is bigger than you, not better than you, not courageous like you, not as beautiful as you are, not as bright and sharp as you are. You are better than them all. Fight the monster inside you with your head up because you will win the fight, i believe in you and you should too. Worry not because i know when you sick and tired of fighting God is always with you and every step of the way He will be with you, so victory is yours.

Am just tired of being haunted and am tired of being of afraid of them.. They should be afraid of me and not the vice versa, am suppose to be courageous and courageous i will be!! Victory is mine..

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